The Supper Table of the New Jerusalem City is located in Enugu, the Coal City in Enugu State of Nigeria. It has evolved from Charity Ministry when it was inaugurated in February, 28th 2003 by the Holy Spirit to Supper Table Charity Ministry of the Holy Family, the Little Royal House of Nazareth and finally to the current name. The ministry has been under tutelage of the Holy Spirit and has been working surreptitiously in Enugu preparing for the divine assignment just as Jesus Christ did in Nazareth waiting for the appointed time to manifest His mission.

The New Jerusalem City was revealed by Jesus Christ to John in a vision in the island of Patmos. John recorded all he saw in the Book of Revelation with particular reference to the New Jerusalem City in Rev. 21: 1-4, 9-27; 22:1-5. The revelation through an angel was given when Christians were being persecuted for the faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord after His death on the Cross. Now after over two thousand years following the death of Christ, a beautiful channel, Princess Vivian Mary Peace has been prepared by the Triune God to reveal the real truth about the second coming of Christ so as to draw souls into the Ark of the New Jerusalem City.

Spiritual messages have been received from the Heavenly Beings – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and Blessed Virgin Mary. Angels and Saints have been sent to deliver messages from the Triune God.

Individually, God has been calling people to work for Him, but now it has entered the stage of family – known by Heaven as ‘Holy Families’. Through these holy families a new badge is given to the world for the renewal of souls through charity. It is clear that there is no time for the world for the second coming of Christ, and so Heaven is entrusting these families to carryout the living light that Christ is about to set up in the whole world.


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) according to our parlance is the HOLY SPIRT.


To be a member of the New Jerusalem City, you have to enter into a 3 pronged Covenant; namely (i) Firstly, you must have only one God, that is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (ii) Secondly, you will not leave the Catholic Church (iii) Thirdly, you must have a humanitarian heart and be charitable.


The motto of the New Jerusalem City as given by the Holy Spirit is “Toiling for the needy for their eternal life through the yoke of charity.”


The Supper Table of the New Jerusalem City has been carrying out various activities; weekly meetings in tandem with charity works, weekly adoration, seminars, biannual Novenas in May and November with grand finales of Feasts of the Holy Trinity and Holy Family followed by Outreaches to the less privileged. 


The works/tasks of a member is the combination of the Spiritual and Corporal works of mercy. Click here to know more about their work/tasks.

The Ark of the New Jerusalem been made open to all. Enter the Ark! Do not miss it as in the days of Noah…